Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Why is there no Non-Western International Relations Theories in Korea?

   As we know, Korea was proclaimed as "sovereign state" in the treaty with Japan in 1876. After the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-05, Japan established a protectorate over Korea, and in 1910 annexed it. Up to 1945 Korea was Japanese colony.
   After Japan's defeat in World War II Korea was divided into 2 areas: Northern that was under the military responsibility of USSR, and Southern under US’ responsibility.
   Obviously, such patronage had left its mark on the ideological views of people - half adhered the communist idea, other half followed capitalism. As a result, in 1948 two states were created - the Republic of Korea to the south and North Korea to the north. Since both parties saw themselves as the true government of the entire peninsula, there was confrontation that eventually grew into the Korean War 1950-1953. This bloody event sowed discord between people and consolidated the split of the country.
   Speaking specifically about History of IR theories in this region, we can note that Korea has been coming a long way from Sino-centricism to imperialism and later to the symbiosis of Japanese and Western ideas in South Korea, and totalitarianism in North Korea. However, even now Koreas haven't managed to take a rank of states that play significant role in world affairs, and which opinion is being considered seriously.
   There are some factors that prevent Koreas to establish own sufficient IR theories and become bigger players of the world stage.
   First of all, belonging to a superpowers' camp requires limitation of political autonomy (especially, military alliances signed during the Cold War that prevent the establishment of good diplomatic relations with rivals).
   Then, division of the country and antagonism between its people makes impossible to develop more extensive in political and economic field.
   Finally, Koreas don't have enough necessary experience and research to the development of working theories of IR. States that used to be a satellite should do a great job to find the way to earn the respect of others. First of all, they need to solve their internal problems. 


  1. That is good that you wrote article based on history.
    I Found for myself interesting information . Good job

  2. Indeed, your article is well supported with historical facts, and the preventive factors that hold Korean peninsula to have their own IRT are very intellectually convincing! Well done! ;)

    1. I consider, History of this region played the most important role in forming ideological views of Koreans.
      I'm glad, that you liked my article, thanks;)

  3. You choice a very interesting topic and i find so many things for myself from your article. Waiting for new ones.

  4. Good analysis of Korea ideology ... How they splited and make consequences of people ideology between North and South... Well done

  5. Really useful and interesting article, good job :)

  6. Very clearly written, keep it that way!

  7. I'm impressed with how you managed to put so much information and facts in such a short and neat form! It's so easy to understand everything,even for a person who is far from history and international relationships. Nicely done!
