Saturday, April 16, 2016

Social Media and its influence on masses

   Media is an integral part of our lives. Every day we get a huge amount of information from various sources. Moreover, the media plays a very important role in relations between the citizen and the state and world politics in general. Obviously, with the help of the media it is easier conduct a dialogue between the government and the people. It's no secret that the same information is illustrated from a different perspective, can lead to radically different consequences. Therefore, the media is one of the key levers to control the masses.
   It is no secret that the opinion forms on the basis of the herd instikt bulk of the people. In such circumstances, the media is an indispensable tool for shaping public opinion. On the one hand, it helps to unite people, to understand existing problems and, if necessary, to be ready to mobilize for action. However, on the other hand, the facts shown subjectively from one point of view may lead the people astray, to form a one-sided opinion. Therefore, it is necessary for the representatives of this kind of activity to adhere to objective presentation of information, providing listeners the opportunity to make their own conclusions.
   Propaganda is one of the kinds of information, built on the implementation of certain ideas to the masses in order to create public opinion and encourage people to practical actions. Propaganda is used especially clearly in the case of conflict, both within the country (government and opposition), and at the international level. The parties are trying to show the opponent as a root of evil, accusing him around, covering up own mistakes. Activities of the media in Ukraine and Russia can be called a shining example of this tactic.
   Nowadays, in the age of technology, we can get almost any information we are interested in. That's why it is important for each person to be able to filter the information that he receives, select only the useful articles and resources, eliminating "empty" and unnecessary. Otherwise, our society would completely degrade and transform into amorphous consumers.
   Aldous Huxley in his anti-utopian novel, Brave New World predicted that in the future people will become passive and indifferent to global problems, and all that they will excite is the consumption and the satisfaction of the instincts. The right information and the truth in this world is simply lost in a sea of irrelevance. It is interesting that we can already see how the writer was right, despite the fact that the novel was written in 1931.
   To conclude it all, the media is a very important part of our lives, it has a huge impact on people's opinions. However, we need to be able to filter the information independently and make our own point of view.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Conspiracy Theories

"The world is divided into three classes of people: the small group that does things; bigger one, which oversees how these things are done; and the majority that will never know what is going on. "
Nicholas Murray Butler

   It is known that the conspiracy theory is used as a hypothesis to explain the historically important events as a consequence of the influence of a group or groups of people acting in their own or group interests. Many people are convinced that the secret society controls the entire world and people, that we only get the information that we are allowed to, in addition, we are constantly supervised. At first glance, the idea of a conspiracy theory seems to be something incredible, but only if you do not take into account a series of strange coincidences and facts.
   The most famous secret societies are the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Illuminati, Masons, Bilderberg Group, Black Hand, the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Thule Society. Many people have heard about the existence of these groups, but in reality, no one knows exactly what they are doing and to which significant events they were involved.
   Some rumors about these groups have a mystical character. For example, that the Oriental Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move community members from one level to another. Such assumptions exist since the Middle Ages, when the first mention of the secret societies emerged. People mystified what they could not explain. Anyway, it is difficult to deny the probability that some influential groups of people could and can influence the political and social life in the world.
   For example, the Illuminati is credited with creating the United States and the October Revolution in Russia. Modern conspiracy theorists claim that a secret society exists as a sinister shadow government that directs the actions of world politics and industry in their desired direction. Due to the fact that most of the participants are humanists, it is widely believed that the Illuminati seek to overthrow the existing religions. It is considered that they want to create a one world government based on the principles of humanism and atheism. It is believed that the family Bush, Winston Churchill, and Obama are the Illuminati, but there is no evidence for the existence of such a group was found. Nevertheless, the secret society of the Illuminati today is one of the most well-known and discussed.
   Speaking about the Thule Society, it is important to know that the organization promoted the ideology of superiority of the Aryan race. This embodied in the racist attitude towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society has several thousand members, and even produced its own propagandistic newspaper. It is rumored that Adolf Hitler was a member of this organization, and that it gave him the secrets of power and successful public speaking.
   Very often the secret community are accused of murders cultic historical figures. For example, that the Knights of the Golden Circle were involved in the assassination of Lincoln, and the Black Hand in the murder of Franz Ferdinand. Many people also believe that the Illuminati were involved in the murder of President Kennedy.
   There is speculation that the secret societies control the press and the socio-economic sector in the world. However, it is impossible to prove, but also it is difficult to refute.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Espionage and Intelligence in US-Russian relations

   Espionage against the enemy as a way to victory was invented a long time ago. However, it gained the greatest popularity during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. During these time each of the parties wanted to know the plans of his enemy as soon as possible. For this purpose special departments were created. The main function of these institutions was to prepare professional staff (agents) that gathered information about the enemy in a secret way.
   Also, special services to expose the enemy side agents existed. One of them was secret program Venona, which was created in the United States. This project worked in the country from 1940 to 1980. Venona declassified Soviet agents, but did not provide evidence in court, as the project remained secret until the mid-1990s. In general, staff of the Venona was engaged in deciphering of the Soviet encrypted reports. The greatest success was achieved in 1948-1951, when a lot of Soviet spies were uncovered.
   One of the most sensational cases during the Cold War was the case of the Rosenbergs. The spouses Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were exposed in espionage for the Soviet Union and executed. This is the only case of the execution of civilians for espionage during the Cold War. Rosenbergs were accused of transferring US nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. Unlike other agents, they refused to admit their guilt. This and a number of other reasons led to this tragic outcome. By the way, a powerful international campaign for clemency of the Rosenbergs had carried out, in which were involved such a famous persons as Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Pope Pius XII.
   A huge contribution to the espionage affairs was made by female spies. Women are not attracted as much attention as men, are able to transform into different roles, besides, they could easily gain the confidence of high ranking officials by romantic relationships. However, in terms of convictions and bravery ladies in no way inferior to men.
   After the end of the Cold War, many spyware programs were closed and secret agents were returned home. Countries began to build relationships, spy games have become unnecessary.
   Spy Game between Russia and the US resumed today with a smaller force, but with a greater accessibility for informative society. US periodically announces about captured Russian spies in its territory. A new round in the deterioration of relations between Russia and the USA gave impetus for new spy scandals, which would be still set of.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Recent History of Japan and South Korea. Reasons and prerequisites for economic miracles in these countries

   In the history of the economy, there are different examples of rapid development of some states, among them quite a striking are the Japanese and Korean economic miracles. Both countries managed to recover their economics after devastation leaded by World War II (in case of Japan) and Korean War (Korean case) and achieved wellbeing.
   The impressive economic recovery has surprised the whole world. A huge number of documentary films were produced on this topic. One of the best examples is "Recent History of Japan and Korea". The film impresses with stories of ordinary people who passed through poverty, heavy work and inhuman working and living conditions.
  After the Japanese surrender in 1945, the country was under the influence of the US military and a state of complete economic devastation. Being in such a situation, Japan needed to move to a new development strategy, and the essence of this strategy was a fundamental renunciation from the past. It was necessary to create a new structure of the economy, new incentives to work, democratization of society, the development of market relations and Business. Thus, it was decided to invite American businessmen and managers who have developed a program on every side of Japanese life.
   The main problem in Japan at that time was the absence of its own raw materialsthat limited opportunities for extensive growth and determined the need for intensive development path. It was decided to hold a regular modernization of production, carry out the development and implementation of material- and energy-saving technologies, develop export-oriented economy.
   One of the factors contributing to the development of Japan was the efficient use of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution. Japan skillfully applied the achievements of world scientific thought, patents, licenses, know-how and implementation them in practice.
   Along with Japan, a small country called South Korea, almost devoid of minerals, within one generation has evolved from a deep peripheral, patriarchal and agrarian into one of the great industrial powers of the world.
   The main difference from the classic model of the South Korean Western path of development lies in the fact that it did not develop natural historical way, and was literally forced upon the subjective factor - the ruling elites of the state. Strict management and diligence of Koreans helped restore the country's economy in the shortest terms.
   Other factors of speedy recovery of the country in the postwar period were: the strategy focused on exports; the relatively small cost of maintaining the military-industrial complex (about 2-3%); attracting foreign investment - both financial and technological; ethnic and cultural homogeneity, as well as the Confucian tradition, which gives a special value to diligence, education, success in life and devotion to the nation.
   Examples of revival of these countries are very useful and inspiring. Stories of people shown in the film, prove that hard work and solidarity of the people make it possible to raise the country from its knees and to uplift it on a whole new level. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Arctic Issues. Territorial claims that could outrgrow into the next "Hot Spot" of International Relations

   The Arctic region is gaining an increasingly important role in international relations. The huge territory of the region and its richness in terms of natural resources makes the Arctic a "tidbit" for the states applying for it.
  According to the US Geological Survey, the oil reserves in the region amount to 90 billion barrels, which would make it possible to use these reserves of about 3 years. However, because of the unique climate of the Arctic, oil production is difficult and dangerous task. There is a high probability of accidents due to the unpredictability of weather conditions. In addition, in the case of an industrial accident, the consequences will affect badly on ecology. Therefore, many international organizations protest strongly against the development of oil there.
   A huge problem is also the threat of global warming. The glaciers of the Arctic decreased by 70 percent over the past 30 years. It is fraught with not only the extinction of some species of local flora and fauna, but also a climate change in the world.
   However, this does not diminish the territorial interest of the "Arctic players", and it has a number of reasons. First of all, the increase in the duration of the summer navigation and the development of maritime industry, including marine transport of goods and tourism, first of all on the Northeast Passage (NEP). In addition, climate warming will facilitate access by sea to the natural resources of the Arctic, including the deposits on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean, which will open up new opportunities for economic development.
   Arctic territory is divided into five sectors of responsibility between Russia, the United States, Canada, Denmark, and Norway. However, in recent situation, when not only "Arctic" powers actively show interest in the development of the region, but also other countries, each of which has its own interests and ideas about the status of the region in international context, the Arctic can not be longer perceived only as a territory, space or polar region. The Arctic is becoming a global goal and issued as a new bridgehead in world politics.
   In the early stages of the exploration of the Arctic a number contentious issues including the legal status of the Arctic territories raised. Today, consolidation of ownership of the Arctic area is very problematic process, due to the imperfections of international law in the 21st century. The new laws do not cancel old agreements, whereas these arrangements may differ or not conform to a new one.
   Therefore, it is expected that further study of the disputed areas of the Arctic that are closer to the North Pole and further away from the land border of pretending States will be even more problematic, because, most likely, most of the claims of countries on the Arctic shelf will be deprived of legal force. This situation is likely to lead to new international conflicts based on territorial disputes. It is clear that for each of the "Arctic players" this region has a significant role because of its wealth of natural resources, and the Northeast Passage.